Audibible® K1

About The Audibible® K1

The Audibible is a solar powered, rechargeable, hand-held audio player in a robust package about the size of a mobile phone, capable of playing back thousands of hours of high quality audio content. It’s easy to use, and visually impaired friendly, the controls allow users to navigate verses, chapters and books at their convenience.

Kivah has access to multiple Biblical libraries in various languages from all around the world, both paid and royalty free, thanks to the support of our like-minded partners and other Christian audio library societies. These audio players can be loaded with your preferred version of the Bible, both old and new testaments, and various other Biblical and Christian content in a wide range of languages.

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Available Languages

The Audibible® K1 is available in all 11 official South African languages: English, Afrikaans, Tshivenda, Setswana, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Siswati, Xitsonga and Ndebele. The device is also available in the majority of world wide languages. All languages include either the full Bible, stories of Jesus or episodes on main Biblical stories. We also have foundations on Farming and Aids programs that can be loaded.


If you would like to get in touch with us please click here.

The Audibible® K1 Content

The majority of our content is acquired under copyright from the following entities:


Bible Society of South Africa

11 SA languages

Christopher Carruthers

KJV version


NIV version

Faith Comes by Hearing

New Testaments in various languages

American Bible Society

Good news through the Bible Society of South Africa

The God Story Project

the God Story in various languages

ICM Mini Bible College

various MBC programmes in various languages

Global recording Network

Various episodes to educate listener about stories in the Bible and Jesus

Inspirational Films

Campus Crusade for Christ inc – The Story of Jesus in various languages

Davar Partners International


The Word Project



Audio Scripture Ministries

Spreading The Word Of God - Kivah